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The 16 Best Hair Salon WordPress Websites

By July 18, 2018October 16th, 2023One Comment

Are you building a new website for a hair salon, barber shop, or spa? If so, you should review these 16 examples of great hair salon WordPress websites for hair stylists, spas owners, and barbers to give you inspiration! We at ThemeSupport – providers of WordPress development and support – have scoured the internet and curated this selection of finest examples of hair salon and stylist websites.

Regardless of if you are custom developing the site from scratch or trying to use a premium WordPress theme, these salon, spa, and barber shop websites will help you out.


Hairzoo whose Head Office is located in Santa Monica uses the popular Cinderella WordPress theme, which is built specifically for beauty, hair, and Spa salons. Their site is simple, responsive in different screens including tablets, phones, and laptops.

Cinderella WordPress | Theme Support

HairZoo Salon developed their website using the Cinderella WordPress Theme




Salon True is situated in Ardmore Pennsylvania and used the Divi WordPress theme to develop their hair stylist website. The website looks professionals with good arrangement of buttons for easy navigation. Viewers can click the buttons with ease on their mobile phones and tablets.

Divi WordPress Development & Support for Spas

Salon True – Hair Stylist website – Developed with Divi WordPress Theme



Bill Lawrence Salon in Washington D.C used the brilliant Jarvis WordPress theme for customizing their hair stylist website. Visitors can view prices and other information with ease without having to navigate into other pages. The buttons are well arranged for speedy access to other pages.

Hair Styling using the Jarvis WordPress theme & Support

This salon used the Jarvis WordPress Theme to develop their website



Terry’s Mane Street Salon located along High Mountain Road, New Jersey has used paralax elements to build a customized its hairstylist website.Their site has a modern look, and a warm feel that is created by a mix of warm images and blue background. Viewers can access all the other pages by scrolling down, which creates a nice experience for visitors in a hurry.

Terry's Salon website

Terry’s Salon website



Rock Gorgeous Hair Salon located in Cayman Islands has created mobile responsive website for their salon, which is supported by the cbp WordPress theme. The website uses bright colors and sharp images that enhances the viewing experience of their visitors.

CBP WordPress Development & Support of websites

The CBP WordPress theme was used to build and develop the Rock Gorgeous Hair website



Gaudi Hair Salon in Bristol England used the Hairpress WordPress theme for their website. It has an easy navigation map at the bottom of the page as well as well-arranged information and buttons to the other pages. Visitors have an easy time locating the information they need.

Hairpress WordPress theme website development and support

The Hairpress WordPress theme was used to develop this site








Studio 1514, which is located in Dallas Texas, also used the Hairpress Theme for their Hairstylist WordPress custom developed site. Visitors find all the information they need about services and opening hours without leaving the page. They have done a splendid job of placing their contact on the front page to make it easier for clients to contact them.

Hairpress WordPress theme development & Support

This hair studio site also used the Hairpress WordPress theme


FYEO hair Salon that offers their services in San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville went for custom developed Hair Stylist WordPress website. Their site is welcoming, uses bright colors, and is easy to navigate. Moreover, the site is responsive in mobile phones and tablets.

Spa & hair salon site

A great hair stylist website



Posh the Salon is based in Durham NC and has customized their hair stylist WordPress website with Prophoto4 theme. The website has a classic touch with an easy to navigate format. Visitors can get updates and share the same on social media on scrolling down the site to its live feeds.

WordPress website built with Prophoto4 theme

A hair stylist WordPress website developed with Prophoto4 theme



Red Stella Salon in Austin Texas has built a custom developed WordPress theme for their hair salon. The site has a simple professional format and is easy to navigate. They have done a great job of including images of their premises and a map to enhance visitor experience.

Texas hair salon

A Beauty Salon in Texas



Gaia salon, which is located in Manhattan, KS uses Bridge WordPress theme for their Hair Stylist WordPress Development. They have done a great job to create a simple, easy to navigate website that is also mobile-friendly. Visitors do not struggle when looking for information on the site.

Bridge WordPress theme for salons

A Bridge WordPress theme supported and developed website for salons



Re salon and Med Spa that is located in South Boulevard, Charlotte has used the Beta WordPress theme, which is a free child theme of Omega, for their Hair Stylist website development. Viewers in a hurry can view just any information that they seek by clicking one of the bars on the homepage or typing at the search bar. The site offers lots of information to visitors to help them in decision-making.

A Beta WordPress theme website

This site was built with the Beta WordPress theme



TANA-B, the ward winning unisex hair salon in Sanderstead UK uses the U-design (UDesign) Theme for its hair stylist WordPress website development. Viewers can see the promotions available as well as contact information on the home page. The use of the black background gives the site a unique, professional look.

U-design (UDesign) Theme Development and Support

This hair salon site uses the U-design (UDesign) Theme



Parlor Hair Salon with premises in Brooklyn and East Village went for hair stylist WordPress Website supported by a customized WordPress theme. The site is fun, easy to navigate with content written in calligraphy. The contact information is available on the homepage.

Hair Salon website development

A Fine Hair Salon Website Example



Fringes Salon and Color Bar, which operates from Houston and Bar Oak in Texas, uses the Mega WordPress theme for hair stylist WordPress Development on their site. The site loads very fast and is responsive to different screen sizes. It uses minimal images but delivers all the information on its home page.

Mega WordPress theme hair salon site

A salon site made with Mega WordPress theme



Indie Blue Salon with premises in Springfield Missouri went for hair stylist WordPress Custom development on their site with a customized Haircare theme, which is for Beauty Salons and Barber Shops. The warm colors, salon operating hours schedule, social plugins and contact information allows the visitors to the site to contact them with ease and provides all necessary information at glance

 Haircare theme development and support

A site built with the Haircare WordPress theme


If you have questions or need assistance in building your website for your hair stylist salon, spa, or barber shop, let us know. ThemeSupport is expert at custom WordPress development and support and will gladly help you out.


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