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WordPress Support Log: “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 103809024 bytes exhausted”

By March 7, 2019October 16th, 2023No Comments

We recently ran into a ‘Fatal Error Allowed Memory Size” issue with a customer who was installing demo content for the Brooklyn WordPress theme on Media Temple and they got the following error:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 103809024 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /nfs/c04/h01/mnt/59848/domains/ on line 66


To solve this we had to manually install the demo and it took the following steps:

  1. Wipe the database
  2. Reinstall the demo, which failed to load in all the demo content
  3. Wipe the database
  4. Increase all known PHP constraints (memory, timeout, etc.)
  5. Reinstall the demo, which failed to load in all the demo content
  6. Delete Entire WP Install, start from scratch
  7. Reinstall WP
  8. Install Brooklyn, manually again
  9. Install required plugins, manually again
  10. Increase WP memory variables to meet theme requirements, again
  11. Install demo again, demo content all imported finally – slider did not import though and homepage not loading past yellow preloader, no load gif
  12. Look up missing sliders and download from theme package
  13. Upload sliders manually
  14. Try disabling preloader, still yellow, no load gif
  15. Review home page settings and content, not there
  16. Check other page that could be for the home page, doesn’t load either
  17. Check other possible home page settings, content at least, but not loading past yellow screen

If you have encountered this problem before and have recommendations to fix it, leave your comments below.

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